Finance for Business

What is Finance for Business?

Finance for business is a route that allows businesses to gain funds which they can use as they need. This could be for such things as investing, adding to their capital or even spending as they need to help their business financially.

Credit Insurance has long been closely linked with business finance, because it insures what is often a major asset - the sales ledger, which accounts for 40% of a company’s asset base (on average).

Accessing finance options and working capital facilities

Bank lending is a very common method of financing and is usually secured on company assets, traditionally on property and other fixed assets, but for the specialist asset-based lenders (ABL’s) it will normally be those that show as current - stock, plant, and debtors.

Funders take comfort from knowing that the asset they are lending against is insured, and often (like with property) they will insist on it.  Protecting your debtor ledger can do anything from obtaining an enhanced overdraft facility, to more directly support a working capital facility based on invoice discounting or factoring. Where the latter is the case, the funder may provide the cover themselves – for instance through a bad debt protection facility – but when they do they are often laying off the risk elsewhere. In effect, they are choosing your insurer for you.

How We Can Help

With our access to the entire credit insurance market, we can help by providing a suitable credit insurance policy, tailored to your needs, and providing the best cover at the best price, and which supports your funding requirements. On top of access to funding, through this route you also get all the other benefits credit insurance can provide.

We also have contacts with a wide variety of funders, and if you are not happy with current facilities, we can always put you in touch with an alternative funder, or a finance broker. We don’t normally earn any money for this, but if we do, we’ll be transparent about it.

Personal Guarantees

Sometimes the funder will also ask for personal guarantees from Directors when a business is refinancing, and we can help with this as well. We can provide insurance against the calling of personal guarantees, providing more security for the Directors.

We want to provide you with the best possible financial solutions, all in one place. Contact us for more information if you’re looking to finance your business.